PT Tesla Indonesia is an independent geophysical service company providing client oriented solutions to the complex problem of finding and delineating oil and gas discoveries with a unique blend of International and local expertise.
PT Tesla Indonesia provides consistent, quality seismic services to the Indonesian market, such as Geophysical seismic data processing services, 2D/3D seismic data processing, land, transition, marine data types, AVO, inversion projects and depth migration.
To meet their goals, Tesla appointed Blackstone Agency to handle technology development to improve service quality and PR marketing to build trust on investors, clients and users in Indonesia.
"This is an exciting client and a fast-paced, competitive industry. We are thrilled to be working for TESLA," CEO Blackstone, Aldi Sky Wungkana.
“When the time comes, we are grateful when our Agency is always there to meet our needs and solve our toughest challenges. Blackstone’s purpose-driven team has demonstrated their consistent ability to meet all of Tesla's challenges. They are truly representing the great work of an international agency. For us, Blackstone is the solution." — Country Manager Tesla, Derrick McClure.